How To Find A Lawyer Who is a Good Match for Your Needs Posted on March 21, 2015 in General

By BRE Law Group

Lawyers are like doctors. They specialize in everything from criminal law to real estate to personal injury. If you need to engage an attorney you want to find a lawyer who specializes in law that concerns your matter not just someone a buddy refers you to. The lawyer who handles criminal matters only does not know about the issues that concern a real estate sale or lease. A good lawyer is like a partner who will help you understand everything from laws and customs in your area to details of your particular transaction. That’s why you need to put in the legwork necessary to find your best match. When choosing a lawyer, think experience. Be looking for a lawyer practicing long enough to help you to avoid making costly mistakes.

To find a lawyer who is a good match for your needs, start by talking to lawyers you already know or to people who have recently used a lawyer in law that concerns you. If you are looking for a real estate lawyer and you know a real estate broker or agent you trust, he or she might be a good source for a referral. Most experienced real estate brokers and agents have worked with real estate lawyers.

Research the names you have been given. Check the websites of relevant law firms to get a sense of attitudes and specialties. The right lawyer will know the issues and point out solutions that make sense to you.

Interview more than one lawyer. When interviewing law firms, meet with the lawyer who will handle your matter. Evaluate the style and attitude of each lawyer you interview. Here are questions you should ask each lawyer:

  1. What is your experience in this field?
  2. Have you handled matters like mine?
  3. What are your rates? What expenses do you bill for?
  4. Will you keep me informed about progress or will I be speaking with a paralegal or a secretary?

If the lawyer does not seem knowledgeable or interested in your matter, move on to the next name on your list. Choose the lawyer who gives you the answers that make you comfortable and whose personality meshes with your own.

You need a smart, experienced lawyer who practices in the relevant area of the law who will work hard on your behalf and explain what to expect in a way that you understand. You also need a lawyer who you get along with and like. Selecting the right lawyer will save you both time and money while decreasing your stress level.

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